Sunday, May 20, 2012

This should scare the hell out of you

Watch this.

It should scare you to death that people find this disgusting propaganda amusing. How interesting, to see a teacher propose action based on a theory which is widely discredited without an ounce of debate, and without debate, kill the people who disagree with her viewpoint. Environmental extremists love the idea of simply being able to push a button to circumvent "pointless" debate, which is really just stalling "progress." I'm fascinated that in the video it goes straight from it's "humor", a term I use as lightly, to the message without any sort of disclaimer to the video. Who are they kidding? If climate change was really a global problem threatening the planet and the science was as settled as gravity and matter, it seems like solving only 10% would accomplish practically nothing. If the science was 100% settled everyone would demand power from only nuclear, solar, geothermal, and other clean sources of energy like small wind and hydro with tidal in there as well. Oil for transpprtation would be replaced with algae fuel and gas would be replaced with hydrogen, electric cars, etc. This clip is eerie to watch because it ominously says "no pressure" throughout, and especially at the end it's just creepy. How does this accomplish anything? Especially for environmentalists?

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