Friday, March 2, 2012

If the federal government is going to keep providing energy credits for alternative energy, whose point is to clean up the air, wouldn't it make sense to incentive polluting energy sources to reduce their carbon footprint? Absolutely. I can think of no better way for CO2 intensive power plants to do this by letting algae biofuel companies come in, for free, and capturing their exhaust and turn it into a valuable energy source. This helps solve a couple issues. The first, obviously, is cleaning up the air. It takes this problem...

...and turns it into this solution: Algae. That is our second concern. Everyone is concerned that we are polluting the air too much and consuming too much without replenishing those resources. Algae biofuel can power everything that petroleum powers. How is algae made? Algae is actually a micro-crop. Corn, an infinitely inferior biofuel (when used as such), is a macro-crop. To be made, algae requires everything that plants require via photosynthesis: water, sunlight, and most importantly, carbon dioxide! If you are feeding vast amounts of carbon dioxide into an algae biofuel system, then you will create enormous amounts of clean, energy dense, fuel. Here's a video that helps explain the process.

 To learnm ore, follow up by reading this informative article at

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